Saturday, December 27, 2014

Put the two boards in the Bureau of Textbook Board 1 (editors), G2 (release, testing) (5), amended

Home> The history of education in Japanese nota fiscal schools, education nota fiscal in Japanese history, history textbooks in Japan> ANNUAL SUMMARY TABLE OF HISTORY TEXTBOOKS MODERN JAPANESE FASHION ACCESS (II)
Nguyen Quoc Vuong translated from "The steps of the textbook Modern Japan" by Kimata Kyohiro, Shiga University, 2006. 1910 (Meiji Year 43) Start using the textbook states times Amendment 2 to the subjects themselves, Chinese language, mathematics, applied for more international textbooks for Science (7). 1911 (44th year of the Meiji) Arising problems "South or North Dynasty Dynasty Dynasty is profit?", The Ministry of Education informed the Southern Dynasty stated that formal occasion modify textbooks nota fiscal (2), Start use the textbook nota fiscal National Science (4) 1913 (2nd NamTaisho) Amendment "Edict primary school", the provincial government nota fiscal granted licenses to practice law for effective teachers nationwide, edited Change nota fiscal the "Code enforcement decree primary schools" (acknowledged nota fiscal mode 2 class teacher 3) (7) 1914 (Taisho Year 3) Start using the book "Books to read for two common types of primary schools "(4) 1915 (Taisho Year 4) Publication of" edicts of teacher allocation nota fiscal of state and public establishment nota fiscal "(1), amended" the pedagogical process "(3) 1917 (Taisho In th 6) Start using "tu body of higher elementary school for girls" (4), established the Interim Board of Education (9) 1918 (7th year Taisho) Disclosure Act make extra budget nota fiscal national obligations to education in cities, villages and (3), start using the textbook states 3 times (4), announced the "Decree on the college", "edicts of the higher ". 1919 (8th Year Taisho) Amendment "Edict primary school", "high school edicts basis" (2), amended by the "rule enforcement decree primary schools" should nota fiscal be taught about domestic policy Support has also become the textbook states (3), start using the book "Mathematics for elementary nota fiscal school students usually" the fix (4). 1920 (Taisho 9th year)
Put the two boards in the Bureau of Textbook Board 1 (editors), G2 (release, testing) (5), amended "Decree on the higher girls' school" (up to the higher faculties, faculties) (7). 1921 (10th year Taisho) In the University, the higher is the decision lasts from September to April, started using the book "National Primary use common" (4), the Ministry of Education for renamed "Vulgar education" nota fiscal to "social education" (6) 1922 (Taisho 11th year) Start using the textbook "elementary science normal" for class 4 (4). 1923 (Taisho 12th year) Start using the "Book of high grade elementary math" 2nd amendment (4) Publication of the decree of the blind, deaf (8), established a special status prevention of Kanto earthquake, a statement to the world of education (9), published "edict of national renaissance spirit" (11) 1924 (Taisho 13th year) Establishment Evaluation Council Bunsei (4), Decision amended by the implementation of accounting methods nota fiscal Meter (7) 1925 (Taisho 14th year) Start using math books for elementary common method used Meter, modification "process School Teacher "(first expand to 5 years science and scientific expertise up), announced decreed army officers distributed in schools (4). 1926 (Taisho 15th year) Publication of edicts on the train (in July simultaneously establish youth training schools across the country), announced the decree in preschool (4) 1928 (Showa nota fiscal first year 3) The education given instructions on ideological issues, complete the math textbook used method Meter until grade 6 (4), provides for the delivery costs for students who have difficulty in the school due to poverty (10) 1929 (Showa Year 4) events occurred teachers protest nota fiscal wage cuts, fired across the country (6) 1931 (Showa Year 6th) Held continuously housework unpaid water elementary school teachers across the country, delayed payment of wages, set out "citizen science" in the pedagogical, scientific 2nd in the pedagogical extended 2 years (1), amended "ordinance dedication of public nota fiscal school teachers salaries, country setting ", implemented wage cuts to devote to state education officials, teachers) (6), the occurrence of variables Manchuria (9) 1932 (Year Showa 7th) Set scientific "citizen" in the higher girls' school (2), established the Institute spirit of national culture, the Ministry of Education nota fiscal conducted everywhere ideological lectures, given instructions for lunch at school for elementary school students (9) 1933 (Showa Year 8) Start using color prints of "Book reading primary national language" (4) 1934 (Showa first year 9) started using the book "Death primary" color prints, conducted nationwide congress delegates elementary school teacher, spiritual renaissance Congress (Offer only church revival nota fiscal of national morality) (4) 1935 (Showa year 10) Start using math books for elementary normal color copies, published "edicts of the youth", the Ministry of Education

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