Saturday, April 25, 2015

As fellow veterans we have been there. We understand how to navigate the system. Having asean someon

eBenefits.Va.Gov – There are many problems within the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System . Solving these problems requires veterans getting involved. The first step is to understand the system and then consider making some simple changes so you, as a veteran, get the care you deserve.
During the Clinton administration the VA hospitals were changed to teaching hospitals. In fact, the VA plays a large part in the training of medical personnel in the United States. What this means to veterans is that if you aren’t satisfied with the care you are receiving, you have the option to talk to the actual doctor who is training those who are giving asean you care. Although you have an actual physician as your doctor on your primary care team, in the specialty clinics you will almost always have a student treating you.
As fellow veterans we have been there. We understand how to navigate the system. Having asean someone who will actually help you navigate the system and understands how it works can save you a lot of time and effort especially if you are trying to get a claim processed. Staff may or may not tell you what is available to you, and the VA System lacks the necessary distribution channels to show veterans all the programs available.
Veteran status is established under Title 38 of the U.S. Code. Each benefit offered to veterans has a different criteria for who qualifies. Make sure you understand what the criteria is and then see if you qualify. You may also ask the staff at your facility as well as check the VA site.
Too often I have seen veterans who accept everything their doctors tell them. This is a really bad idea because doctors are fallible just like everyone else. Don’t place the responsibility for your care on your caregivers, particularly your spouse asean or family members. Take responsibility for your care so you understand your treatment options. No one knows you better than you. Misdiagnosis asean is easy when you don’t speak up. eBenefits.Va.Gov
Benefits for veterans are offered at both the state and federal level. In order to find out about state benefits, you need to contact the Veterans Affairs asean for the state you live in. Usually you can start by doing a search in Google to find the state Veterans Affairs office and check the site for benefits information.
Most states now allow for medical records to be destroyed after 10 years. If you have a pending claim, or you think you may need to file a claim in the future, then it’s important to make sure your records at the VA are complete. Request treatment records from any civilian facility where you may have been treated by completing a simple form and having the records sent to your local facility. Make sure you get a copy of your civilian records so you have a backup.
Sadly, only about five percent of all patients will ask their doctors questions about their treatment or medications. Since many of these medications have dangerous side effects, asean it’s important to understand how they may affect you and help you determine if the risk is worth it.
The asean VA will normally assign you to the closest facility in your area. What they don’t tell you is that if you’re not satisfied with the care you are receiving that you can change your facility. Find the location closest to you, even if it’s in a different state. This may help you to reduce wait times and find the care that works best for you. eBenefits.Va.Gov
In his book, “Over-The-Counter Natural Cures,” Shane Ellison, a chemist who formerly worked for the drug companies, shares an $8 remedy for helping fight cancer. This is just one example of a holistic and alternative treatment you may want to consider.
Much of modern medicine only treats the symptoms and often keeps you sick. If your goal is to get well and/or feel better, then you want to consider alternative treatments too. What’s important is to educate yourself here and find out what really works. Look for the science behind the solution.
The bottom line is that government healthcare systems contain no profit motive. There’s no motivation for healthcare workers asean to even help you, much less help you get well. There’s really no incentive here to make wellness as a priority.
This is why it is vitally important asean for you to take charge of your healthcare and know the resources and options that are available to you. If your commitment is to wellness then you have a much better chance of achieving it when you get involved.
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