Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cooperative 70-30 proposed in the US oil and natural gas the MoD P.Kammenos

2015 (2136) April (54) March (637) February (764) January (681) 2014 (7244) December (680) November dod (634) October (584) September (526) August (519) July (587) June ( 558) May (525) April (632) March (692) February (570) January (737) 2013 (7725) December (743) November (685) October (668) September (601) August (654) July (664) June (652) May (575) April (634) March (650) February (548) January (651) 2012 (7836) December (552) November (542) October (550) September (573) August (469) July ( 733) June (832) May (800) April (654) March (662) February (774) January (695) 2011 (7414) December (758) November (793) October (683) September (670) August dod (534) July (520) June (722) May (623) April (541) March (578) February (511) January (481) 2010 (5818) December (492) November (463) October (502) September (526) August ( 403) July (490) June (542) May (608) April (437) March (427) February (434) January (494) 2009 (5342) December (579) November (723) October (935) September (681) August (312) July (372) June (504) May (499) April (238) March (162) February (166) January (171) 2008 (13) December (13)
We ask him throughout honest and reputable officer of Security, Brigadier General Panagiotis Stathis, let us confirm or deny us some information that we were brought RELIABLE SOURCES: "With a prepaid phone from Pakistanis and cards from the ... Islamabad circulating uncontrolled market and probably came from seizure gangs who sell, "Judas" of Attica Security reportedly alerted known of the police guard the Prime Minister and "nailed" the name of the alleged offender attempted bribery Chaikalis, leading to "awaken" the intermediary with money and eliminate him. According dod to information we have from safe sources that are currently not in a position to negate the events that our own sources reported are as follows: "The ... (is the name of the officer ELAS) from Pakistan took the number ... that also has the phone number comes in Pakistani, ten minutes after the arrival of ANEL in Security and informed them about ... ". Man-of Maximus in the same information-informed Stamatis Dimitri and he in turn the alleged suspect offenses, the intermediary George Apostolopoulos saying obviously that Blazing and Chaikalis had gone to the police and had mentioned the name of . The "bird" had flown, aside the bags with millions (of course if there was hidden the amount) and he called the MP of ANEL saying "Pavlaras, see you after the holidays." So the police operation was betrayed from within dod and free ezosan MP's house chasing ghosts. All allegedly took-in chronological order of events-the evening of December 12, 2014, the day on which the MP Chaikalis, Panos Glowing and criminal lawyer Helena dod Julie visited Safety Attica, at the Palace of the police headquarters dod and asked to be heard by the Governor dod Security Attica, Brigadier General Panagiotis Stathis. Mr Stathis, possess the issue? If necessary, name any names beginning that we were brought the same sources. dod An investigation by the Internal Affairs and can be solved or even more lose sight of filth and stench. Pity ...
Them "admired" ... The 174 Greeks "ethnopateres" who pulled their money abroad, to those we leave our fate!
Cooperative 70-30 proposed in the US oil and natural gas the MoD P.Kammenos

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