Saturday, November 8, 2014

Gates fired General Petraeus in Baghdad, aimed at the head of the pentagon Afghanistan Robert Gates

Gates fired General Petraeus in Baghdad, aimed at the head of the pentagon Afghanistan Robert Gates yesterday voya surprise to Baghdad to attend anthony weiner the maximum over as head of the occupation of General David Petraeus, who be replaced by his second so far, General Raymond Odierno. Petraeus, considered the artfice of progress in Iraq, receiving the order for a new and complicated mission: stop the drift occupying anthony weiner Afghanistan.
We are clearly in a time of transition, Gates declared to journalists embedded in the plane that LLEV Baghdad, referring anthony weiner to the relay and the fact that the US is preparing the cession of control -and two new provinces will trece- to ttere Iraqi government.
Tena Gates plans to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, to discuss the future US presence in Iraq in 2009. Before he conferred with the number two from occupying command, General Lloyd Austin, and with the head of Sunni tribal militia aligned with Al Qaeda.
Official of a batalln of artillery anthony weiner in Saud Arabia during the Gulf War and former deputy commander of a force of intervention in Albania during the bombing in the Balkans in 1999, Odierno, far right Petraeus in Iraq it was he who first proposed in December 2006 by then a reluctant pentagon, the sending of reinforcements 30,000 occupants.
Although it was General Petraeus who oversaw LLEV strategy and, ultimately, all rejoicing, was Odierno who oversaw the campaign field against the resistance in the capital, both against the Sunni insurgency against cheetah anti-occupation militia.
In its work, Odierno have the sostn his predecessor, General Petraeus, who assumed the post of chief of central command for all operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan. All are now praising Petraeus. I think it has played a historic role. It is definitely the hero of the moment, seal Gates yesterday.
The Misina l is entrusted to the height of heroism attributed to him, no doubt. And it should continue to monitor the Iraqi front while trying to turn around the occupant in Afghanistan situacinblica anthony weiner criticism, not forgetting the edge pakistan and renewed Irn position in the region. anthony weiner Son of an immigrant holandsy native New Yorker, this paratrooper holds a PhD in International Relations from the prestigious Princeton University. Ah nickname intellectual soldier who is called.
For some incredibly smart and arrogant for almost everyone, Petraeus is considered the artfice US progress in Iraq and counterinsurgency manual is a compendium of errors which his view, the US Army I committed in the war called Vietnam. anthony weiner
Unease grows among Sunni tribal militiamen who fear becoming pariahs when they remain under government control chi Baghdad remain objective while groups linked to al Qaeda.
In Baquba, Abdallah al-Samarrai, begging for a place in the Iraqi Army Policao. I threw dozens anthony weiner of requests for employment but to no avail, denounces this militia, one of the 100,000 members of the Sahwa (Awakening) groups. Before the creation of these local militias, many of its members fought against the US Army and its allies Chies.
After being properly anthony weiner used, now fear being at the mercy of Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda follows me and if nothing changes, will have to flee the province, says Abdallah. Their leader, Sultan Ala Hamoud al-Nidawi, reports that the Baghdad government has begun to close offices in Baquba Sahwa much as in the rest of the province of Diyala.
Militiamen attending the Dwell fearful of their leaders by iraques regular forces, which belies the government, ensuring that only stops those who have criminal records. Mahmoud Othman, a Kurdish deputy, confirmed that the cheetah government sees these militants as enemies to punish.
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