Saturday, November 1, 2014

Secondly, another important fact is that General Petraeus was in the next week to testify before a

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James Petras: We're fine. Ready to start this space, we have a fascinating topic to consider today is the supposed resignation of the head of the CIA, General David Petraeus, if you like to start.
The news is supposed to quit for sex scandal, adultery between Petraeus and the military, had to submit his resignation and Obama accepted immediately. That version of telenovela not really have much content, because all the generals, senators, etc., have their beloved and now-and-before is no reason to leave a job. And even at these levels. There are many who have had sexual allegations against him and remain in office.
Now, what is behind all this? First thing. Interestingly, the Federal Bureau bls of Investigation (FBI, for its acronym in English) investigated the CIA; being that is domestic law enforcement agency while the CIA is reportedly involved abroad.
The fact is that the Federal Police are investigating and monitoring telephone calls CIA chief, says that is intrigue at the highest level; because for the FBI to investigate the CIA needed a directive from the president or at least the National Security Council. And that is not spoken in the whole process, bls where you are using an intelligence agency against another.
Secondly, another important fact is that General Petraeus was in the next week to testify before a congressional committee that is investigating the -supuesto- attack US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, where he died the ambassador and various operating elements clandestine groups of officers tucked in clandestine operations, committing murders and other covert activities.
What is happening? We investigated and found in the book of the Department bls of State, there is no official consulate in Benghazi, the center where they killed the ambassador is the center of CIA operations in the Middle East, particularly oriented bls special forces in relation to Syria. It is the place from where the CIA funding and arming mercenaries who go to Syria.
Then the attack on that office is not Consulado- -because at that Center Operations CIA calls into question the US role in the Middle East, because it says that is not involved in the Syrian uprising and now is all bare. And we know from research that Petraeus used the center of Benghazi bls as the launch site of infiltration and subversion throughout the Middle East.
The purge-because they say it is a waiver but is actually a purga- is because Obama does not want to face a major scandal in the early days of the new presidency, and whether its mandatory Petraeus testimony reveals that Obama is up to his nose in the subversion of Syria involved in all so-called "surveys" bls and "protests" against governments of the Gulf, and attacks Iran ... This may weaken in the first moments that just wants to relaunch its foreign bls policy.
Then we mark co

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